Student Information
Student Handbook
You can find important information here on all aspects in being a student at South Coast Community College. Please click on the Image to download the current Student Handbook.
Click To Download Student Handbook
Student Support
Undertaking study for the first time or returning to study after a long break can be challenging. Or, you may have some special needs in relation to learning and attending training. South Coast Community College is committed to ensuring that you are provided every opportunity to succeed in your learning.
For more information about Student Support including, Student Laptops for Loan, Study Hubs and Language Literacy and Numeracy please visit our Student Support Page.

Recognition of Prior Learning and Mutal Recognition
If you have already acquired skills and knowledge relating to a course, subject or qualification you are undertaking, you may be eligible for Recognition of your Prior Learning. These skills and knowledge may be acquired in a variety of ways including through working, volunteering and previous study. For more information, please visit Recognition of Prior Learning and Mutal Recognition page.

What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?
A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your VET training undertaken in Australia. If you’re at university, TAFE, or doing other nationally recognised training, you need a USI. Without one, you cannot receive Commonwealth financial assistance or your qualification or statement of attainment.
Refund, Appeals and Complaints Policies
South Coast Community College is committed to providing students with a positive experience when interacting with college staff. If however there is an issue the College has a formal process for Refunds, Appeals and Complaints.